
Seven years ago, a skinny gray cat appeared in our yard. He rushed from bird to lizard to rustling plant, not focusing on any single thing, except for our feral cat, Mommy, the mother of all but one of our house cats. Rudely, he nosed her out of her food dish, he appropriated her favorite sleeping shelter, and plopped down in the middle of every one of her sacred sunny spots on our deck. He duplicated her every move. Yet, despite the invasiveness of his actions, the young gray cat seemed not so much aggressive as desperate to belong.

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Perfect Point

…in North Carolina…
So much green that will blaze bright with color in the fall…

..in California..
A flash that might have been a mountain lion.
Buckeyes dropping everywhere.

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Julia ClineComment
Restless Legs Syndrome

Being up at night, all night, every night,
is worse than lonely.
It robs me of waking to bright mornings that promise warm days,
and chilly mornings served with snow.
Neither am I able to appreciate being sopped in by dark clouds
that bring rain and time for reading.

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Julia Cline
Fourbee: Our Tale of Two Litters

..the year my mother was failing a brown tabby and her dreamsicle-colored sidekick began frequenting our yard. Before we became wily enough to trap her, the brown tabby presented us with two litters of four kittens each. Not one of the kittens in the first litter resembled any of the others. We speculated they had four different fathers. The second litter was a matched set. When the brown tabby brought them on the deck for the first time, I quickly took pictures and forwarded them to my husband Tom. He turned to a colleague at work and remarked, “My wife has just sent me photos of tribbles.”

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Waiting to Find Out Where Portulacca is Sleeping

Where is Portulacca Sleeping? or WIPS, as I call it for short, is actually one of the very first cat-centered picture books I ever thought about putting together. It has taken decades to finally fall out into book form. The idea came from my parents’ cat, Portulacca. She used to sleep in the oddest places—a roasting pan, the dish drainer. My dad put a shoebox on his chair to keep her from usurping his spot while he went to pour himself a cup of coffee. He returned to find her asleep in the shoebox.

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Julia ClineComment

She was half the size of the other kittens, the runt, a tortoiseshell---so difficult to see in shadow---and as I later came to know, every bit as wiley as her mother. She rode home with me because, as I told my mother, “he pulled her by the leg, she was limping---I’ll take her to the woman who took the other kittens tomorrow, when I know that she is all right.” Twenty-two years later my father snapped a picture of Portulacca, basking in the sun on the brick sidewalk behind my parents’ house.

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Julia ClineComment

There is poetry where families pull together when death comes to separate them,
some kind of song that needs to be written.

(This blog post is a poem I wrote for a poetry-in-art class . The collage shown with this blogpost is the companion work I created to express the poem visually.)

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Julia ClineComment

…As I stitched my two routes through San Jose together in my mind, it occurred to me I have never felt I know San Jose the way I knew my home town, even though, by now, I may lived in San Jose longer than I lived in North Carolina. Routes in San Jose feel like a network of acquired knowledge that I have put together like a puzzle, something I’ve had to do to pass a professional exam or get along at a job. This information is not innate. It is not a part of me. I carry it…

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Julia ClineComment
From Padawans to Poety

There is something visceral about combating evil. When it accosts you, standing up and fighting back is important. Even if you only get to do it vicariously through a cartoon, or with the magic you imagine when you read about Harry Potter. There is something to seeing justice prevail in a mighty way.

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Selling Art

I’ve been selling art for a while now. I’m counting the years in my head—18 perhaps—not quite two decades. When I’m searching for documents on backup drives, I run across whole folders of paintings I’ve completely forgotten about. I see them and recall the details of my path more precisely than I ever would have, had my memory not been jogged by those images of paintings that left my life long ago, because other people wanted them.

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Julia ClineComment
Friendship and My Mother

My mother told me once, “Julie, if you pick at your friends, pretty soon you won’t have any.” I don’t recall my age. The memory is far away, as if I were 7 or 8, but my twisted, uncomfortable frame of mind, the fatigue I felt and the frustration with one of my friends makes me think I was older—perhaps 11 or 12.

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Julia Cline
Divergence and Kid Pods

I write about “kid pods,” small groups of children that come together to form strong bonds of friendship. They face everyday problems like overly strict teachers, not being as good as someone else in sports or math, the death of a grandparent, the illness of a parent.

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Julia Cline
Boys and Dolls

At home, being a tomboy was easy. When my father was around the house, he was happy for me to help him and, fortunately, most of the time my mother was preoccupied. She taught, she worked on her Masters degree, she frantically cleaned house with what little time she had left. I was free to roam the woods with my dog, a black and white border collie with an Irish setter mother that froze in a perfect point when he spotted squirrels, but barked madly when we stumbled upon land terrapins in the woods.

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The Difficulty About Cats

I just finished framing a pastel painting of Hardpan and Tarmac sniffing the air at our back door. I am flooded with the feeling of them and their stories. Those were the halcyon days of cats and humans in our household. Four cats, two humans—there was plenty of time to enjoy each other.

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LifestyleJulia ClineComment
Pecans and Homeschooling

Through the years, on my aunt and uncle’s farm, were also a variety of farm hands. During the final years, before I moved away to start my own life, were a pair of high school girls that my uncle swore were more dependable and worked harder than any of the young men he ever hired.

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Julia Cline